The Story of How the Song
Came to be Written

Lisa Rafel, author/performer

One morning I awoke at 4 AM and a poem poured out of me. I could not contain my voice. As I wrote it down I felt a kind of outrage in my heart. How can people choose to pollute this planet for profit without considering the devastating impact their actions have upon human health, and the planet’s health?

When I was done I was flush with emotion. What poured out of me was a plea that human beings remember that we live in a paradise created by a remarkable, creative intelligence – and that every species is integral to the whole. The symbiotic relationship that created life on this planet happened by design.

Then I became angry. People cannot thrive on a polluted planet. Pollution is poisoning the waters, the air and the land. It’s killing humans, animals and trees… It’s killing our children’s bodies. And there’s mass extinction of a vast number of species happening right now!

Why wasn’t I an activist before? Maybe, because the truth of what is happening makes me sad. It was easier to forgot about it. But, after writing this poem and creating this song, I will never forget again.

This song was born out of a dream. Then out of a poem. Then out of a belief that I had to voice this concern in hopes that it would remind others to remember that not only is this happening, but that we can do something about it.


Lili Haydn, violinist, demonstrating the violins resonance to Lisa Rafel

I had been given a birthday gift of an 8 hour session in a recording studio in LA. The gift was from an auction that supports Little Kids Rock.

I wanted to do something with the poem, and then the remarkable violinist and composer/producer Lili Hadyn popped into my mind. I had been a friend of her mother, the late fabulously witty, funny, utterly charming Lotus Weinstock and Lili and I had worked together many years ago. I felt lead to ask if she would be interested in creating a song. (I have learned that when something unexplainable presents itself, it’s a good idea to follow the path that opens in front of you.)

Lili was so busy, but she said yes and then suggested her exceptionally talented, lovely husband, Itai Disraeli to produce the recording. They created this music for the words. This song makes my heart sing.

I want to give special thanks to Neil Jacobson, President of Geffen Records (at the time) whose offering of the recording session as an auction item inspired me to create something that could be of use to the world. Thank you Neil for the time and input you gave toward the production of this song.

We can’t get back the extinct species, but let’s not kill off anymore. Let’s find new ways to appreciate what we have been given from the natural world. Beauty, diversity, pleasure, healing… these come from our contact with nature. Please share this song. Find a way to be grateful and kind… to nature… and to each other.